My new team


Created by Anonymous on 12/22/2023

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Warlord (1)
1 x Gluetrap
Minion (12)
3 x Painbringer
3 x Twilight Emissary
2 x Severed Servant
2 x Hex Caster
1 x Shadowy Assassin
1 x Shadowmancer
Influence (9)
3 x Shadows Assistant
3 x Slick and Slide
3 x Carried by the Dead
Initiative (6)
3 x Ghast-Stab
3 x Dragged into shadow
Spell (3)
3 x Raise the Dead


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Export to TTS

Import as TTS object.

Download the JSON file using the following button. Place this file in your TTS Saved Objects folder (Usually found in Documents > My Games > TTS > Saves > Saved Objects). After this, you'll be able to spawn your deck in the Components UI.

Download saved object